Nilah The Joy Unbound defends the rift from ancient threats in League of Legends Patch 12.13

New League of Legends Champion, Nilah was today announced including her abilities. Nilah is a melee skirmisher that enhances herself and her allies when positive effects are cast near her. Nilah will join the Rift in patch 12.13. A full Nilah bio can also be found at A melee skirmisher

Riot Forge releases DLC for Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story

New BOOMBOX DLC Showcases Top Tracks Inspired by League of Legends Including POP/STARS by K/DA and GIANTS by True Damage Today Riot Forge revealed that DLC for Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story™ is now available for purchase. Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story™ is a rhythm runner developed by Choice

Celebrate Pride 2022 Across and Beyond Runeterra!

2022 marks our seventh year supporting LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Plus the rest!) folks and allies at Riot Games. This year we’re continuing our prideful celebrations with new, free content across all Riot games!  Below we’re getting into how, when, and where you can

Patch 12.10 for League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics announced

Riot just revealed League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics Patch 12.10. League of Legends Patch 12.10 includes a variety of changes including adding the 5 High Noon skins for Sion, Viktor, Samira, Tahm Kench and Twitch while also adding the champion durability update. Teamfight Tactics Patch 12.10 is the last update to

Riot Games deepens relationship with Statespace, developer of training and coaching platform, Aim Lab

League of Legends and VALORANT Publisher and Developer Will Become a Minority Shareholder in Statespace to Expand Longtime Partnership Riot Games, the developer and publisher known for genre-defining games including League of Legends and VALORANT, today announced that it has deepened its relationship with Statespace, developer of training and coaching platform, Aim Lab. Under the terms

Riot Games reveal League of Legends: Wild Rift Patch 3.1a

Riot have uneveiled Patch 3.1a for League of Legends: Wild Rift. There will be a number of changes including champion adjustments, gameplay changes, new skins, accessories, adjustments to homeguard, minions and respawn timer. The update in game will officially drop on April 8th at 3am CEST. Welcome to Patch 3.1a!

TFT Rising Legends Finals announced for March 25-27

THE FIRST SEASON OF RISING LEGENDS CONCLUDES WITH THE EMEA FINALS Rising Legends, the competitive circuit for Teamfight Tactic players in EMEA, is wrapping up the season with its Finals, where five players will qualify for the TFT Gizmos & Gadgets Championship. Since the circuit launched in November 2021, thousands

Riot Games introduces new expansion for Legends of Runeterra: A Curious Journey

Ava’s journey has reached its thrilling conclusion, and she’s brought with her a few mementos from her adventure, including the final expansion of the Beyond the Bandlewood set – A Curious Journey! A Curious Journey contains 48 collectible cards, including four new champions – Gnar, Yuumi, Galio, and Udyr, and

League of Legends: Renata Glasc reveals herself before her arrival on the Summoner’s Rift with patch 12.4

“Progress comes at a price others aren’t willing to pay.” Renata Glasc, the Chem Baroness, is the 159th champion in League of Legends and will be joining the Rift in Patch 12.4! Introduced as a Support, Renata Glasc descends from a family of resourceful and altruistic Zaunits alchemists. Thanks to

TFT Gizmos & Gadgets Mid-Set, Neon Nights, comes to PBE and will be live on February 16

TFT’s largest roster swap to date shines in the latest mid-set update TFT Gizmos & Gadgets’ Neon Nights mid-set update will feature more than 20 new units, three new champion traits, 80 new augments. It will also include a new pass, Little Legends, arenas and Project Abyssia as a new

Riot Games announces UK, Ireland, and Nordics Qualifiers for Teamfight Tactics Superbrawl

  Signups are now open for Teamfight Tactics players to represent their region in the pan-European TFT Superbrawl   We are pleased to announce the UK, Ireland, and Nordics qualifiers for the TFT Superbrawl, a regional competition which forms part of (and has a qualification slot into) the new Teamfight

Wizards of the Coast og Riot Games skaber magi med en krydsning af Magic: The Gathering Secret Lair x Arcane

Snart lander Magic: The Gathering Secret Lair inspireret af Arcane, Riots animerede serie der for nyligt startede på Netflix, og konkluderer i kommende weekend med tre sidste afsnit. Wizards of the Coast, en afdeling af Hasbro, Inc (NASDAQ: HAS) har i dag annonceret to nye Magic: The Gathering Secret Lair

Riot Forge lancerer debut titel og afslører fremtidige udgivelser

  Ruined King: A League of Legends Story™ og Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story™ fås i dag – De første detaljer afsløres om Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story™, CONV/RGENCE: A League of Legends Story™ og meget mere fra Riot Forge.   I dag løfter Riot

Undercity Nights kicks off as final phase of RiotX Arcane event brings new games updates, Community Charity Tournament and live experiential broadcast leading into the season finale of Arcane

  Two Day Celebration Event Includes Live Broadcast Preview of Secret Cinema Experience Alongside Company’s First Ever Developer versus Community Players Gaming Tournament Open for Co-Streaming on all Platforms*   Today, game developer and publisher Riot Games unveiled the third and final phase of its RiotX Arcane event, Undercity Nights.

Progress Days begynder som RiotX Arcane festen går ind i næste fase med nye funktioner, der lanceres i hele produktpakken

Festen fortsætter i spillet efter lanceringen af den første animerede serie og afslutningen af League of Legends 2021 World Championship I dag annoncerede spiludvikleren og udgiveren Riot Games Progress Days, den næste fase af RiotX Arcane-eventen. En måned lang oplevelse, der samler alle Riots produkter for at fejre lanceringen af

League of Legends champion Jinx drops into Fortnite

Riot Games and Epic Games partner to bring a selection of the Riot Games Product Portfolio to the Epic Games Store Today Jinx, a popular League of Legends Champion and main character in its upcoming animated series, Arcane, is joining the world of Fortnite.  This collaboration between League of Legends

Riot introduces Teamfight Tactics: Gizmos & Gadgets

Det er virkelige travle dage for Riot Games for tiden, mens de varmer op til weekendens premiere på deres Netflix-show Arcane, har de netop udgivet stærkt Arcane-relaterede opdateringer til TeamFight Tactics, læs mere nedenfor. Tacticians! Welcome to Teamfight Tactics: Gizmos & Gadgets! A world of crazy experiments, magic run amok,

PUBG Mobile and Riot Games partner to bring Runeterra to Erangel in celebration of League of Legends Animated series Arcane

  Characters, items, game modes and locations based on Riot’s new animated series, Arcane, will come to Erangel along with new gameplay elements in PUBG MOBILE Version 1.7   Today, PUBG MOBILE, one of the world’s most popular mobile video games, and game developer and publisher Riot Games, have announced

Riot Games launches RiotX Arcane event with new in-game features, experiential event companion, and much, much more..

Fandom reaches new heights as its games set in the League of Legends Universe reach over 180 Million Monthly Active Users (MAU) globally in October 2021 Today, game developer and publisher Riot Games announced the RiotX Arcane event, a month-long experience that will bring all of its products together to