Indiana Jones 5 Producer fortæller nyt omkring filmen

‘Indiana Jones 5’ producer Frank Marshall, giver nu en update på den længe ventede eventyrfilm. Han har været en af de kreative kræfter på alle fem ‘Indiana Jones’ film og hvor langt de er med manuskriptet. Samtidig roser han filmens nye instruktør James Mangold.

I et interview med Collider, under hans promovering af dokumentaren ‘Laurel Canyon’, skiftede fokus hurtigt til den femte ‘Indiana Jones’ film. Da han blev spurgt ind til hvor lang de var med manuskriptet, svarede han bare “Det er lige begyndt” og at det lige nu var et spørgsmål, om hvornår de kunne starte produktionen, på grund af COVID-19:

“The number one thing, obviously, is the safety of everybody – the cast, the crew, and all of us. So, we’re looking at the guidelines that are coming slowly, from the health experts and the studios and the different parts of the business, and we’re just trying to incorporate everything, so we can move forward and be safe. It’s going to obviously slow things down, so we’re trying to adjust. You won’t see a lot of big crowd scenes, for example, for awhile. There won’t be any more craft service, so maybe that’ll be good for people, in keeping more fit. It’s a moving target right now. There are a lot of people working on the solutions, to be able to work and be safe.”

Marshall var også yderst positiv, over filmens nye instruktør James Mangold og dermed har overtaget jobbet efter Steven Spielberg. Planen var faktisk at Steven Spielberg, selv skulle instruerer filmen, men han valgte at give franchisen videre til en ny instruktør og dermed Mangold – der står bag succes-filmene ‘Logan’ og ‘Le Mans 66’. Steven spielberg er dog stadigvæk meget aktiv i projektet, da han står som producer denne gang. I interviewet roser han Mangold til skyerne:

“His love of the franchise. He’s a wonderful filmmaker. I think he also has a relationship with Harrison. It was all of the right pieces coming together, at the right time.”

“I know there were some concerns when Spielberg stepping down as director, especially since he has helmed the previous four films of the franchise. I believe in James Mangold they have found a solid replacement because he has proven to be a filmmaker to watch. With films such as ‘Ford V Ferrari’ (Le Man 66′), ‘The Wolverine, ‘Walk the Line’ og ‘Identity’, the director has built a filmography that indicates he was the right choice to take this on. I also think Spielberg won’t just sit back as a producer and just be the money guy and he’ll definitely have his influence on the project as well”

‘Indiana Jones 5’ har efter planen release i 2022

Kilde: Joblo