Oh, that’s great, blame it on the little guy. How original. He must’ve read the schedule wrong with his one eye.
Kategori: Vidste du at / Tegnefilm.
Facts om ‘Corpse Bride’
I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. But now – now I’ve stolen them from someone else. I love you, Victor, but you are not mine.
Facts om ‘Batman: Mask of the Phantasm’
Sal Valestra, your Angel of Death awaits…
Facts om ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ NUMMER #100
Everything we know about you guys is wrong.
Facts om ‘The Lego Batman Movie’
Hold on a sec. Are you trying to tell me that Bruce Wayne is Batman… ‘s roommate?
Facts om ‘Quest for Camelot’
You’ve got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel – clucky? Well, do ya… punk?
Facts om ‘Balto’
Let me tell you something Balto. A dog can not make this journey alone, but maybe a wolf can.
Facts om ‘Hercules’
I’m Hercules and, eh, I happen to be – a hero.
Facts om ‘Les 12 travaux d’Astérix’
Oh, Asterix! He called me “Fatty!”
Facts om ‘Beowulf’
I am Ripper… Tearer… Slasher… Gouger. I am the Teeth in the Darkness, the Talons in the Night. Mine is Strength… and Lust… and Power! I AM BEOWULF!
Facts om ‘Suzume No Tojimari’
How much meaning must we overcome before we reach our destination?
Facts om ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’
Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe it!
Facts om ‘Arthur Christmas’
Okay, let’s show them, people! Operation Santa Claus is coming to town!
Facts om ‘A Christmas Carol’
Ghost of the Future, I fear you more than any spectre I have seen.
Facts om ‘The Polar Express’
There’s no greater gift than friendship.
Facts om ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’
Here’s another curse for you – may all your bacon burn.
Facts om ‘The Pagemaster’
You guys are the only friends I ever had.
Facts om ‘9’
9, you shall protect the future.
Facts om ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’
I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way.
Facts om: ‘Team America: World Police’
America, fuck yeah! Comin’ again to save the motherfucking day, yeah!
Facts om ‘The Pirates! Band of Misfits’
And that’s why, in a straight fight, a shark would probably beat a Dracula.
Facts om ‘Asterix Og Vikingerne’
You see, Obelix, it’s not fear that gives you wings – it’s love.
Facts om ‘The Adventures of Tintin’
Blistering treasure! It’s Red Rackham’s barnacles!
Facts om ‘Coraline’
You think they’re trying to poison me?
Facts om ‘Kung Fu Panda’
Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.
Facts om ‘Ice Age’
Diego, spit that out. You don’t know where it’s been.
Facts om ‘An American Tail’
This is America! We have free speech! We can say “cat” here! Cat, cat, cat, and double-cat!
Facts om ‘The Book of Life’
What’s with Mexicans and death!
Facts om ‘The Prince of Egypt’
I will not be the weak link!
Facts om ‘Anastasia’
Men are such babies.
Facts om ‘The Lion King’
Hakuna Matata
Facts om ‘Coco’
I have to sing. It’s not just *in* me… It *is* Me.
Facts om ‘Toy Story’
To infinity, and beyond!
Facts om ‘WALL-E’
Computer, define ‘dancing.’
Facts om ‘Up’
Hey, let’s play a game. It’s called “See Who Can Be Quiet the Longest”.
Facts om ‘The Iron Giant’
Welcome to downtown Coolsville! Population: us.