Hitman udgivelsesplaner afsløres snart


Den danske spiludvikler IO Interactive, vil snart udgive nye detaljer om udgivelsen af det nye Hitman spil. Det kommer her inden længe efter Gamescom afsløre IO Interactives Hannes Seifert. Spiludvikleren er i gang med at undersøge nye måder, til hvordan de kan levere det længe ventede Hitman til de nye konsoller. Selve Hitman udkommer d. 8 december, og lige efter begynder de at levere en masse gratis DLC-udvidelser. Spillet kommer ikke til at indeholde mikrotransaktioner, eller betalte DLC, når man først har betalt er alle opdateringer gratis. Under Gamescom fortalte Hannes Seifert følgende:

“We will do that very soon after Gamescom,” sagde han til Videogamer. “This is a huge opportunity for us to listen to the world and to align with everybody. Based on that we will communicate our roll-out plan. We also need to complete it because I don’t want to promise a roll-out plan we can’t keep. We need to be very sure about this is the quality we can achieve and this is the point in time we can deliver it. When we promise that we will be good with that. That’s why it takes a little bit [of time] to make this plan solid. But I fully agree, before someone makes the commitment to buy the game they need to know what they’re getting. And that’s what we have to communicate in a very crystal clear way.”

“When we look at the overall scope of the game… we see that the game we’re currently creating – when it’s completed – it will be bigger than Blood Money. That’s a very good foundation to benchmark when we’re talking about the single-player campaign. If you add Contracts, online hits and other weekly content that we’re going to release it will be the biggest Hitman game ever created.”


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