Get away from her, you bitch!
Kategori: Vidste du at / Film.
Facts om ‘True Lies’
You’re fired!
Facts om ‘Con Air’
Put… the bunny… back… in the box.
Facts om ‘Willow’
See this acorn? I’ll throw it at you and turn you to stone!
Facts om ‘Full Metal Jacket’
You best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your NECK!
Facts om ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’
Your real father had us open portals all over the world to allow your return.
Facts om ‘Harry Potter og De Vises Sten’
You’re a wizard, Harry!
Facts om ‘Det Femte Element’
Me fifth element – supreme being. Me protect you.
Facts om ‘Chaplin’
The tramp can’t talk. The minute he talks, he’s dead.
Facts om ‘The Crow’
Can’t rain all the time…
Facts om ‘The Rock’
Welcome to the Rock.
Facts om ‘Oppenheimer’
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
Facts om ‘Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story’
I know you. You know you. And I know you know that I know you.
Facts om ‘Dances with Wolves’
I am Lieutenant John J. Dunbar and this is my post.
Facts om ‘The Usual Suspects’
A man can convince anyone he’s somebody else, but never himself.
Facts om ‘Superbad’
You don’t want girls to think you suck dick at fucking pussy.
Facts om ‘The Conjuring’
Want to play a game of hide and clap?
Facts om ‘Django Unchained’ (2012)
I like the way you die, boy.
Facts om ‘Batman Begins’
Don’t turn around. You’re a good cop. One of the few.