Paul Feig Taler om Dark Army Monster

Paul Feig er en instruktør, der gerne springer mellem forskellige genre og nu har han en monster film kaldet ‘Dark Army Monster’ under udvikling. under et interview med siden Collider, gav han en update på filmen og hvad der lå til baggrund for historien. Her er interviewet med Collider.

“I’ve done two drafts and I love it, it’s one of my favorites scripts I’ve ever written,” he says, before cautioning, “Universal, they’re not quite sure what they’re doing right now. Because Invisible Man did really well on a very micro budget, and my movie’s a little more expensive than that. So I’m hoping to God we get to make it, because I just absolutely love it. I’m so thrilled with it.”

Nevertheless, he’s pushing ahead with the process, and is drawing from some of his favourite Universal films from the past. “Tonally I’m being very true to the traditional monster movie genre. Not horror movie, monster movie. I love those movies of the 30s, the James Whale movies, and Bride Of Frankenstein I still think is one of the greatest films of all time. So I want that tone because those movies were very fun. They treated them seriously, but you also know they were also having a lot of fun with them, so there are a lot of extreme characters in them and funny side characters. That’s what I want, I never wanted to make a horror movie. I want to make a true monster movie.”

Det lyder spændende og Paul Feig er bestemt en interessant instruktør, der tør prøve lidt af hvert. Hvis man tager i betragtning af hvor godt, det gik for ‘The Invisible Man’, er der store chancer for at Feig nok skal få succes med ‘Dark Army Monster’.

Kilde: Empire